by Roxanne Tulk | Aug 29, 2018 | Canberra, Garden, Homewares, Kids
One of our favourites at Bliss are our DIY (plug in and go) water features. Available in several sizes and colours they are super easy to assemble and will suit a great range of gardens or courtyards. Some regular customers of ours in Ainslie very kindly let us take...
by Roxanne Tulk | Aug 8, 2018 | Canberra, Garden
As August rolls on there seems to be a few warmer days and a distinct whiff of spring in the air. But before you go ahead and start planting, there’s a few things you need to do, and August/September is the perfect time to start. Do a Veggie garden Plan Think of the...
by Roxanne Tulk | Jun 29, 2018 | Canberra, Kids
With the help of Bliss mum Kylie we have compiled a list of ideas to keep the kids busy and having truckloads of fun these school holidays. What free activities are there to do in Canberra? (Not from Canberra? no need to leave… just scroll down) If it’s a sunny...